Evitar el plagio.
En este video te enseñan como citar para evitar el plagio.
Online piracy is illegal, but is it wrong?
Douglas, as many teens will tend to do, found it tempting to "pirate" material online for a cheaper price (if not free) instead of paying...
How copyright affects our future
Copyright infringement – we’re all guilty of it. That's because the current copyright definition is all about proprietary control and how...
Academic copyright, ¿How does it work?
Krzysztof Klincewicz is a professor of Management at the University of Warsaw and has many years of experience in the high-tech industry...
El Copyright en la Era Digital.
Lettie Ransley estudia el copyright en la era digital, y en su charla retrocede hasta el Estatuto de la Reina Ana, en el siglo XVII.
Copyright is brain damage!
Ideas aren't good or bad because of what licenses people slap on them. Just relate to the ideas themselves. Las ideas no son buenas o...
YouTube's head of user experience, talks about copyright.
Margaret Gould Stewart, YouTube's head of user experience, talks about how the ubiquitous video site works with copyright holders and...